International non-objective art in focus
Eröffnung 4.4.2024 um 19 Uhr
Es spricht Hartwig Knack, Kunsthistoriker
Duration: 5.4. – 27.4.2024
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 15 – 19 Uhr, Saturday 14 – 16 Uhr
1050 Wien, Zentagasse 38
+43 699 1943 4054
Ilse Aberer (AT), Rene van den Bos (NL/GR), Gerhard Himmer (AT), Christine Löw (DE), Kleopatra Moursela (GR), Mathias Pöschl (AT), Werner Windisch (DE), Viktoria Körösi (AT/HU)
Reduction is an essential part of our perception, because it enables us to recognize universal aesthetic design principles
principles of design and process them without any bias. Reduction is also a social
social necessity of our time. It is good to practise this.
Non-objective art: Non-objective art, also known as non-representational art, refers to art
that does not depict or represent an identifiable person, place or thing.
The content of the work consists of color, shapes, texture, size and scale.